In a dramatic turn of events, the parents of trainee IAS officer Puja Khedkar have reportedly gone into hiding after a video surfaced online showing her mother, Manorama Khedkar, allegedly threatening a local farmer with a gun. The incident has sparked outrage and legal action in Pune.
According to Pune Rural SP Pankaj Deshmukh, an FIR has been filed against Manorama Khedkar, her husband Dilip Khedkar, and five others at Paud police station. The complaint was lodged by the farmer who claimed to have been intimidated by Manorama Khedkar. The FIR includes charges under several sections of the Indian Arms Act, reflecting the gravity of the accusations.
Efforts by the Pune Police to locate and apprehend Manorama and Dilip Khedkar have been hampered as their phones are switched off and attempts to visit their known residences have been unsuccessful. Police teams, comprising officers from the local crime branch and neighboring police stations, have been deployed to search Pune and nearby areas where the couple owns properties.
“We are actively pursuing leads to locate the accused. Once found, appropriate legal actions will be taken,” assured SP Pankaj Deshmukh, underscoring the police’s determination to resolve the matter promptly.
Goons’ family. Should be punished for their actions.
Running from law can be another serious offence. Better appear before the court of law at the earliest.